Sunday, September 03, 2006

Fun to Think About

I love to take classes. I hated school when I was in high school and couldn't wait to be out. Then when my youngest child started kindergarten, I decided to go to college. I loved it. I loved buying new school supplies and going to learn something new. I loved being asked a question and knowing the answer. I loved buying textbooks. I even liked homework. I remember toward the end of my senior year being so burned out and school not being much fun at that point.

Now I've been out a long time. And still I love to take classes. Now I've switched to classes at the community education section of our city schools. I signed up this time for digital photography (finally going to learn to use that camera I bought), pottery (making a thanksgiving platter), and Crocheting an Afghan. I am really looking forward to it. My son says I go from one thing to another and all my interests are short-lived. I like to think of it as exploring all kinds of things to find out what I like. I'm learning new things and learning about myself in the process.

I miss math. (Yes, I know Freebird just passed out at that one.) I loved math in school and especially loved having a bunch of problems to work out. I looked through an algebra book the other day and had to really reach on how to do some of it. I think I'm forgetting things. I need to take some classes as a refresher, but they don't offer anything like that from Community Ed. I guess I'll have to just buy me some textbooks and do it on my own.

I also don't know what I did before there was an internet. To think of something and then immediately be able to go look it up is still fascinating to me. I remember begging for years for a set of encyclopedias before my parents finally broke down and bought some, and then they got outdated quickly.

Does all this make me a geek? Probably. It also makes me live more in my head than in the world. But that's how I like it most of the time. I'm weird that way.

My daughter came to visit for the weekend, and it was nice to see her. We went to see Little Miss Sunshine at the movie. It is a very dark comedy and very funny, if you like that sort of thing.

My middle son graduates from college in December. He decided awhile back he really wanted a college class ring, and we surprised him with it yesterday. He likes it and it looks good on his hand. He plans to move out when he graduates. Then my nest will be empty for sure. I had some time when my youngest moved out and my middle son hadn't moved back yet, but it wasn't long. I'm so used to always having one of them around.

I am happy for him though. He's doing well in school, has a good job now, and I know he's going to be fine out there on his own. Not that I will like it.

I keep thinking the time is drawing nearer for us to figure out what to do with our retirement. I'm still pushing for the full-time RV-ing and my family says I'd hate it after awhile. I don't know. There's just something about getting rid of all this junk and hitting the road that sounds wonderful to me. There are workshops all over the country I'd love to go to, on all kinds of things.

Like Native American flutes. I just got interested in them when we visited the Grand Canyon some years ago. I have always wanted one, and just ordered one yesterday. If we had an RV, we could take off for some of the workshops on that. And workshops on RV'ing. Workshops on Mountain Dulcimers. Workshops on psychic stuff. Whatever. Maybe by the time we retire I can change his mind, or he can change mine. But it's fun to think about it.


continuitygirl said...

I sometimes wish I was still at school so I could get new stationary

Cathy said...

I started an Afghan last night. I have not crocheted in decades. It's great "busy work." Plus, I'm hoping it means my hands will be doing something other than shoving food in my mouth while I'm watching television in the evenings.

The Tuckered One said...

I bet you will enjoy playing the Native American flute. When you learn your first song call me and give me a "concert".

I think you should rent an RV for a weekend and go somewhere fun and see how you like it. It would probbaly cost the same as if you went somewhere and paid for a hotel room and ate your meals out. The weather will be cooler soon so it will be a good time to go. If you have fun it might convince your hubby that he would enjoy it long-term. Or if you hate it you'll know before you buy one.

Freebird said...

I'll email you my math homework. heehee.

Forest Lady said...

I'll be watching for that email.