Saturday, December 09, 2006

Ho Ho Bah Humbug Again

According to blogger, I now have 350 posts on my blog. Considering one of my flaws is not sticking with anything, I'd say that's a major accomplishment. It can be very helpful at times to use my blog to vent things I would normally keep to myself. It can also be very aggravating to read back over the same month, two years ago, and find that back then I worried about the same things that still bug me. But I think blogging is a good thing, or else I wouldn't keep at it.
Christmas is looming. To everyone who knows me, I'm a notorious Scrooge. I dread it like the plague. I don't know why. I always have. It's something I'm relieved to be over. The only good part of it is I get to see my kids. I am always depressed this time of year for some reason, and there is so much to do. I even thought of us all going out to eat this year, but what kind of Christmas is that for kids. I'll figure out something. But I can't seem to get the image out of my mind of my hiding out underneath the covers until it's all over.
To keep in the holiday tradition, my husband rummaged through the back of the guest room close to find the garbage bag, holding a two foot tree covered in last years ornaments. He pulled that sucker out, put it on an end table in the living room, cleaned up the glass from the ball he shattered jerking that sucker out of the bag, and then declared it's officially Christmas at our house. I added to the festivities by putting our two Christmas cards on the mantle over the fireplace. I might even put a red bow on the dogs. How's that?
Christmas menu is being based on requests this year. So far I have hashbrown casserole and deviled eggs. ha. No one else has given me requests but my son.
My middle son graduates in a week or so. He got a job offer with the company he's been interning with, a really good offer. He's happy. We're happy. I hope he finds him a place to live he likes, and buys himself a new truck. That's his plan anyway. I can't say I'm too thrilled over the idea of him moving out. Other people are pushing him, and I'm holding back. I do want him to be happy though, and I know it's time for him to spread those wings, in my mind anyway.
It's so rough being a Mama. Such mixed feelings about things. Whoever said children bring you your biggest heartaches and highest highs is right.
I'm very grateful that we have the new grandbaby coming. My son's new job. My other son's new girlfriend that makes him happy. My husband's upcoming promotion in February. That everyone is healthy. That we have a place in live and food to eat in this country. That I am 50. I have a long list of things to be happy about, if I could just shake the blahs.


The Tuckered One said...

Going out to eat is fine with us. Or hubby and I can make the food for Christmas since you did all of it for Thanksgiving. Does a roast sound good?

Cathy said...

I'm so proud for your son. He must be thrilled to have school behind him and a job to go to. Don't worry about him moving out. He may now be a financially viable adult but he will always love and needs his mama.

As for Christmas, why not do a pot luck. Let everyone who is coming bring a dish or two and that should cut down on a lot of the work for you.

I also like the idea of going out to eat. You have a couple of decades of fixing Christmas dinner behind you. You've earned an evening out with no guilt. Take advantage of it, I say.