Thursday, December 14, 2006

Old Friends and Teachers

Today my daughter sent me a file with the baby's heartbeat on it so I could listen. Aren't computers neat. It is beating very fast, and I'm even more sure it's got to be a girl.
I was published in a writer's desk calendar, and my picture is in there, too. That's my latest thing to be published. I also signed a contract with Chicken Soup for the Soul for a book they are doing. It's a story about menopause, called "A Slice of Life". I really liked that story myself. But then I let a writing professor critique it, and he really chewed it up and spit it out. I was really down and wrote Cathy. She wrote back and chewed HIM up and told me she liked it. So there. I submitted it and Chicken Soup is buying it, so THERE!
My youngest son is thinking of moving to Miami to take a job there. That will be the farthest any of them have ever been away. Not too thrilled about the idea myself, but it is a really good opportunity for him. It's a much higher rated station, and he will be the top dog DJ at night so as he says, "Mommmm, I'm kinda a big deal!"
I'm still not over the eye surgery. After your eyes have been one way for fifty years and they change it, it drives you nuts. And today at work they had me filing in this huge file room and I felt like I was going to go blind trying to read the fine print and then looking for the file. I felt bad for them. They have the largest pile of filing I've ever seen in an office before. I'm not two mornings a week will help them get it down any, because of the tremendous amount they have coming in daily.
I got a letter yesteday from a girl I was best friends with from age 4 to 10, when my parents divorced and we moved. She and I were in brownies together, and we thought we were really hot stuff. ha. She's been trying to find me. It was really good to hear from her.
Oh, and remember the story I wrote in Letters to My Teacher about my sixth grade teacher? I found her, or rather a friend found her for me. She lives in Trussville, and I mailed her a copy of the book along with a note. I'm sure glad she's still around. She's about my mom's age, and mom is 76.
I saw the counselor this week, and she wants me to buy a book called, The Dance of Anger. I said I don't have a problem with anger. She said I need to get some anger. My husband said that's true, because I just take too much to heart. I think I'm going to learn a lot from going to her, and hopefully deal with some tough issues.


Anonymous said...

Tell her you're going out to see your boyfriend. Then she can complain AND think you're hot stuff at the same time.

Forest Lady said...

HA! That would get her.

Gillian said...

I think my husband needs to read that book too, for the same reason.

Cathy said...

I've not purchased a 2007 calandar yet. I've been waiting gor the perfect one. Looks like I've found it.

Might also order that Dance With Anger or whatever the title is. There are a few people in my life who would benefit from reading it.

Have fun with the MIL!