Thursday, February 01, 2007

How Creepy!

My oldest son is a big horror movie fan, so last week when his company sent him to Virginia for training, he took that opportunity to see the sites...the sites HE wanted to see. Of course, he saw the White House, Washington Monument, Lincolns Memorial.....and THE EXORCIST STAIRCASE. He hunted down the actual stairs used in filming the movie.

Then he started back to the subway station. It's almost midnight by then, because he had to do his sightseeing at night due to his training classes all day. He was walking back, and was about a block from the subway station when he saw THIS.

He freaked out. He thought, IS IT A BODY? Did someone dump a BODY here? So, instead of calling the police, he snapped a picture and ran like hell. That's my boy....


Anonymous said...

That is a bit late to be out on the streets in D.C. I'm surprised that is all he saw.

Of course,what better time to climb the exorcist stairs? The homeless guy was icing on the cake.

Freebird said...

That's the scariest looking homeless guy I've ever seen.

Forest Lady said...

Cathy, when he called me and said he was out walking the streets, and it was an hour later there than here, I freaked, but it didn't do me much good. I explained the crime rate there is a little different than here, so then he threw in yeah and he thought he saw a dead guy on a bench...

Anonymous said...

That's a Bivy(sleeping) Bag. We use them in the military. They are extremely lightweight and easy to pack, it uses your body heat and recirculates it. He probably bought it at a second hand shop or stole it from a surplus store. There is a drawstring hoody on it to cover all of your head but your mouth. That is still a creepy picture, LOL.