Saturday, February 03, 2007

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head

I woke up Thursday and we had our first snow this year! My husband, who used to live in Saint Louis, said it doesn't qualify as SNOW, since it could technically have been ice, but it was white and on the rooftops and yard, even though it was only an 1/8 of a inch thick. Well, Alabama is not prepared for snow, so it meant my husband and son both got to go into work with a two hour delay. Didn't think I was ever going to get them out of here.....
It's a good thing I decided to start organizing around here. One place I wanted to tackle was under the kitchen sink, where I store all my cleaning junk. I started pulling stuff out and figured out I had a puddle about an inch high under there, and from the way the wood looked, it had been leaking awhile. So $90 later, the leak is fixed. I asked my friend if she wanted the job of painting under there (the friend who is going through the divorce. She's extremely handy at house stuff) and she said yes, so yesterday she came over and painted and today I have to put liner and then pile everything back under there.
My daughter and son-in-law are coming over today. I wanted to show her all the things I'd gotten done in the house since she was here last, and it won't impress her much with cleaning supplies piled on every surface in the kitchen. I'm just glad I looked under there. My daughter is meeting her father (using the term loosely) tonight, but I don't want to think about it. I'll think about it tomorrow, Miss Scarlett, thank you very much.
I went for an ultrasound yesterday at the hospital, just a part of the tests the doctor wanted. What was weird was the ultrasound tech wanted to talk the whole time, and I listened with goop on my stomach while she told me about her two sons and that they are not married, and how she doesn't think she will EVER have grandchildren, but one is sort of serious with this girl, so there could be some hope, but she doesn't know for sure, and even if they get together, they may not have kids, and she would be devastated, and blah blah blah. All the time throwing in, "Take a deep breath, hold it. Ok, breathe...Take a deep breath, hold it, breathe..." I wanted to take a deep breath, hold it, and then exhale.. ..Shuttttt Uppppp Pleasssseeee. I guess I'm not a very friendly person with my belly exposed, gooped, lying in a weird position....wait a minute...that sounds like something vaguely familiar.....


Anonymous said...

We had snow Thursday and Friday. Taylor was out of school both days. It was kind of exciting but I was so glad when Monday came and he was back in school.

So, what are they looking for with that ultra sound machine?

Forest Lady said...

They were looking for a gallstone stuck in the liver, but it came out fine. So far, everything they tested is fine, except my liver enzymes are sky high. My sister has a condition called hemochromatosis, and its genetic.

Anonymous said...

I'll have to look up the hemo thing. I'm glad they didn't find any stones. I guess this means you have been having symptoms other than your enzymes being high?

I had a bad night the other night with my gallbladder. ICK!!

Forest Lady said...

I don't have my gallbladder anymore. I had it out before the laproscopic thing started, the ol' cut a woman in half trick. No, I've had no symptoms but the liver enzymes. Doc said he wanted to rule out the most urgent things first.