Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Body Works

My youngest son and his girlfriend went to Texas last weekend, to the wax museum (see Oprah shot below) and to a museum exhibit called Body Works that uses a plastication technique on real human cadavers. I think I had heard of this on TV before in the past, but had never seen the pictures. It sounds gross but is fascinating to look at. Check out the pictures HERE.

If you want to see even more images, google Body Works and hit "images."


Anonymous said...

That is just so wrong!! I wonder if those people realized when they donated their bodies that they would end up on exhibit like that?

The ICK factor is just to overwhelming for me.

By the way, you are not passive/aggressive. You are too emotionally insightful to ever be labled passive/aggressive.

Anonymous said...

I think that was in Chicago when we went last year and I thought about going. It does seem cool and gross at the same time.

And Cathy don't worry. I help people fill out their directions for what to do when they die. Those people who check "use my body for whatever" really do mean it. They figure they are dead, they don't give a crap. But it does expand the definition of "education", doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Amy, it gives a whole new meaning to the word, "whatever."