Thursday, April 26, 2007

So Cute!

I made this as a gift for my son-in-law to give him at the shower. I thought it was a cute idea but everyone I saw to order was outrageous. So we bought the stuff and made this one.
My MIL comes today. I went to see the counselor yesterday, because I needed to go one more time before the MIL gets here. I told her how nuts I've been about the house lately, cleaning and cleaning and rearranging and cleaning and rearranging again. She asked if I knew why I was doing that. I said no. She said, "You have so many things in your life right now that you have no control over, and she starting listing them: my grandbaby's birth defect, my daughter's impending labor and delivery, a family member's financial problems, my menopausin' body and the changes I'm experiencing, my MIL coming, etc etc. By the time she got a little way into the list, I was already crying, and the rest of our session was her talking and me crying. I was tired when I left, but I felt a LOT better.
She also recommended another book for me to read.
The last time I was there, she asked me to make a list called a "guilt bag" of all the things I felt guilty about in my life. I filled up both sides of the page. (I'm good at guilt.) I had it in my journal, and put it in my purse yesterday morning so I wouldn't forget to take it for my session. My husband went into my purse to get a receipt we needed to put in the checkbook, and when I walked into the room was standing there reading it and said, "What's this?" When I told him it was for my counseling, he just said, "Oh," and put it back. I was mortified. I said a lot of things on there I didn't intend anyone else to read. He never mentioned anything though. Guess he felt bad for snooping. Anyway, my list is now safely tucked away in my file at the therapist's office.

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