Tuesday, April 17, 2007

New Look for the Living Room

They delivered our new king mattress set yesterday (yea Target). We worked all weekend moving one bed upstairs for the guest room, bringing the king bed down, and cleaning out the attic. We have a walk-in attic that is bigger than my living room, and it was FULL. I couldn't understand why because I'm not a hoarder. So since my son moved out, we got in there and started sorting.
It turned out we had SIXTY-TWO empty boxes. Some big, some small. I guess my son put every box for every single thing he bought in four years up there, just in case he needed the box for a return. After we took all the boxes to the recycling center, our attic is practically empty.
I went to Tuesday Morning (love that store) and bought some new sheets for the king bed, a new throw for the sofa, a slipcover for the sofa, and a couple of plants. I moved all the living room furniture around. I finally found a furniture arrangement I actually like. ha.
Anyway, here's a couple of pics of how it turned out.
I'm bidding on a comforter set, but a lot of people want it, so it is "iffy" if I will be able to afford the bids or not.


Anonymous said...

Your living room looks very southern. Which would make sense since you're southern. It looks nice.

The Tuckered One said...

Ha, I never thought about it looking southern. It just looks normal to me :-)

I wonder if my living room looks southern too? Probably.

Anonymous said...

something about the fancy slipcover and the curved legs of the furniture.

Forest Lady said...

The slipcover is not really that shiny. I guess it was the flash. It's a linen-y fabric. :-)

Anonymous said...

My family in New York all had plastic slipcovers. Yours are fancy, shiny or not!