Friday, June 15, 2007

Hello World!

We had quite a scare today with the baby. She started having trouble breathing and her blood gases were coming back worse as the day went on. The doctors said there was a slight chance it could be the tube they used to intubate her, but they were apprehensive about changing it because they had such a time getting it in to begin with. But they decided around noon that they had to change it because she was doing so badly. They took out the old one, and sure enough, it was clogged. Poor baby couldn't breathe because of the tube and nothing was coming out of the tube! They got a new one in, and said by the time that sort of thing could happen to this one, it will be out of her anyway. Now she's doing great. They turned the vent way down, and she's awake and looking around and feeling much better. Here's one with her eyes open. They are going to try to wean her off the ventilator this weekend.
We came home but plan to go back on Monday morning. We needed to retrieve our puppies from the boarding place for a bit, get some laundry done, get mail, etc. But we feel so out of it being here and the baby being there! I can't wait to get back down there to see her. Her grandpa feels the same way.


Gillian said...

She looks soooo sweet in the picture with her eyes open. I'm sure this was a hard day for everyone, but thankfully they figured out what the problem was and took care of it.

I'm glad she is doing better and has been improving.

Take care!

Freebird said...

She's precious. Glad to read she's doing better.