Thursday, June 14, 2007

Surgery Update

The baby had surgery last night, and it took from 6:15 PM until 10:20. They were able to do it laproscopically, which was a good sign (that she withstood that like a trooper.) She is swollen quite a bit from the fluids. They did not have to use a patch for the repair, but were able to use her own tissue, which "grows" with her, unlike a patch. The doctor said her diaphragm was very thin, more like a membrane than a muscle, but the muscle around it gave her enough to work with for the repair.

She said our next step is to let her rest a few days and then start weaning from the ventilator. That process takes about a week, if it goes perfectly. Then she plans to begin feeding by mouth, which also takes another week, if it goes perfectly. She said she will be in the hospital then, a minimum of two more weeks.

Thanks for all your prayers. Keep them up!


Anonymous said...

Glad everything went well, that is probably a good sign. And if your ex does decide to be in your daughter's life now, if you ever feel yourself wanting to drop the cordial act, let me know - I can tell you stories of how awful my in-laws are to each other. That'll change your mind!

Cathy said...

She looks good, even for a wee one who just had surgery.

Your ex came to see her for the first time yesterday? Ummm, I would think if he were all that interested in being a grandfather it wouldn't have taken him 6 days to get there. What do I know though?

Good for you for being cordial. It's too bad more people don't understand how important that is. Of course, with his history as a father I don't think you have to worry about putting yourself out for him too often.

Gillian said...

I looked at the yesterday's pictures of Clair and she looks so much better the day after her surgery. I hope that means her recovery is going well.

You are all in my thoughts and prayers, especiall little Miss Claire.

Gillian said...

I just wanted to let you know that I was looking at different sites to read about CDH survivors. I found one today about a little girl who is now over 1 year old and seems to be a normal 1 year old. Her middle name is "Claire". It felt like a good sign!