Friday, July 14, 2017

Friday Update

Since hubby retired, it has surely thrown my routine off, and I didn't even know I had a routine. We are all trying to adjust. The biggest problem is meals. This man is hungry all day. I am determined to get us to having one cooked meal per day and then fend for yourself the other two meals. But if I don't cook breakfast, he wants to go out for breakfast. I am SO not a morning person. I do not want to leave the house in the morning unless I absolutely have to. It's been more than a month since he retired and it's still an adjustment in progress.

On a happier note, we went to Houston to see my youngest son, his wife, and our 3 month old grandson. They had a pride parade they needed to attend on Saturday for the station where he works, and they wanted to go out and look for houses on Sunday. I got to babysit both days and little G was such a good baby! I held him the whole time.

I was the GPS'er for the trip, and Hubby and the GPS did not get along at all. He yelled a lot-driving in Houston was hell. My nerves were shot. Let's just say I was thrilled to get to family in Houston but very glad to get out of the car in my garage when I got home.

They did find a house to buy and they close on Aug 11. It's a nearly new house with a fenced backyard. It has one of the modern kitchens which I would LOVE to have, with the recessed sink, granite counters, and a smooth top range. But I have what I have.

I was fortunate to get a new Surface Pro free to review, and I love it, but Windows 10 is kicking my butt. That is what comes from only using an iPad for years! I did recently break down and buy an Apple Watch and I love it. What I like most is that I can be in the kitchen cooking and answer the phone or a message without having to go find my phone.

The dr said my fasting blood sugar was up a lot when I had my physical last week, so he switched my meds, and I am now trying to change my diet. If anyone knows a good meal planner app for diabetes, please leave me a comment.

1 comment:

Gillian said...

I'm not sure I'll be able to adjust to my husband being home all day when he retires !!!