Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Well, There Ya Go

Last night was our second class at the Reform temple. Rabbi asked, "Are you living your life by thinking that God is looking down at you, or are you living your life consistently reaching up to God?" This was something he asked each of us to think about. Much of my life, I've lived thinking God was looking down, noting everything I did wrong on a list, looking at me disapprovingly, etc. Last night, I realized God put us here to reach back to him, in our words, actions, how we treat others, what kind of person we are, etc. This was the second week of our class, and we are growing! We had several new people last night, including one black couple, who really asked some good questions. I've never been good at thinking of questions during a lecture. It's when I get home and think over the things I've heard, I think of many questions. By the next week, I've forgotten them. I really should write notes when I read.

As most of your know who read this blog regularly, I've had some success with publishing short stories, and for the last year or so, I have done all my creative writing to meet some editor's submission guidelines. I miss writing just for me. I'm going to try to do more of that--writing a fictional story that is for no one but me. I really think it will help me to get back some of the fun I used to have when I played "make believe" with my characters. I want to reclaim my writing for myself for awhile.

We are doing fine with the low carb eating thing. I really feel like this has been easy, and it's something I could do from now on. I've even gotten out and walked a few days this week. Eating out has been interesting, but we have found most restaurants will happily substitute extra veggies for the high carb sides. I'm even beginning to like broccoli, which was never one of my favorites. It seems like once we stopped the sugar, vegetables taste better.

The kids are coming home for Thanksgiving. I was going to just suggest we all go to Cracker Barrel but that didn't sit right with some, so I'm going to cook, but not as much as usual. We always have WAY too much food.

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