Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Cutie, Clinton, Cleaning, and Cashew Chicken

I drove up to TN to stay with my granddaughter while my daughter and son-in-law went to an office party. She has a tooth! She's trying so hard to crawl. She gets up on her hands and then pushes wayyyy up on her toes. Then she tries to tuck a leg under to get into a sitting position. I told my daughter she may not crawl, she may just get to a sitting position, get up and take off walking.
I also taught her to say "Da-da" but we had to video it because she got performance anxiety when Da-da actually got home and we tried to coax her to say it.
She loved her granny just fine until her mama left and she figured out all Granny had to offer was a bottle, a cup, and baby food. She is a nursing baby and none of that compared to what Mama had, so she got ticked off. We did have a good time playing, walking, and trying to get her attention on other things besides being mad. She loves to look in the mirror, watch the ceiling fan spin, watch commercials, and try to grab my glasses. I kept trying to tell her a blind Granny would not make a good babysitter! She's a doll.

Then when they got back, I drove on home. My husband had TIVO'd all the usual shows, like Biggest Loser, etc. He was scrolling through the list asking what I wanted to watch. "ARE YOU KIDDING? Turn on the primary results!" The math major in me spent the next two hours telling him, "She's 8 thousand ahead, she's 11 thousand ahead, she's 15 thousand ahead, 22 thousand ahead, 35....etc..." He's over there smiling, because he thinks McCain will beat her anyway. Not me. I think she can pull this off.

So what I did I do today? I ordered me a Vote Hillary 2008 t-shirt to wear around here. I wonder if he'll still want to hug and kiss me with Hillary on my chest? ha ha.

Day before yesterday, our dog started going nuts, which means one of two things, either the postman is on the porch or the UPS truck is coming up our road. Turned out to be the postman and he had a huge box he dumped on our porch and drove away. It's a big red ottoman from the Country Store, very nice, and not mine! It had a clear label in plastic saying this was suppose to go to some nice lady in Tennessee. Then, over on the side, was a torn, wrinkled, peeling label with my name on it barely hanging onto the side of the box. I called the PO and told them this is not mine, but the label on it is for some boots I ordered, so what's the chance they will ever be delivered with out a label? The postmaster was not amused. He just said to put it on the porch and they'd come get it.

I did. It rained all day. I tucked it as far under the porch as possible. I came home last night. Box still there. I tugged the damp box back inside. Guess I'll call them again today and say please come get this ottoman! Some poor woman in Tennessee is going through red ottoman cravings and here it sits in my house where red would match nothing! And I want my BOOTS!

This has been almost as interesting as the dryer I bought from Sears a few years ago, and the delivery dryer brought a range instead of a dryer. I said, "I need to dry clothes, not cook." The guy stood there awhile and said in his best redneck drawl, "Welllllll, Maaa-ammmm, if you don't turrrrnnnn it up too high, you might could dry 'em in thurrrr." I was not amused, especially since I had taken off work that day to get the delivery. My boss was even less amused when I had to take off another day to get my dryer.

My friend, Dawn, came and cleaned my house yesterday. She needed the money and I was tired of chasing dust bunnies around the house with a stick. So today it smells so good and I don't want to mess anything up. Think that's a good enough reason to get out of making dinner tonight? Naw, my husband probably wouldn't go for that either.

Although I do love the Kohler commercials where the lady won't use her new kitchen sink because her Kohler is such a work of art she won't put dishes under it. I usually use the "Man, I'm craving Chinese tonight. Will you pick some up?" My husband says, "Sure, honey." That translates into, "Yeah, I figure you've been sitting on your butt, either on the computer or your Kindle e-reader all day,,and you forgot about dinner until just now, and the best you could come up with was a Chinese craving, but oh well...." He's such a sweetheart.

But you know.....Chinese does sound awfully good today....Wonder how many carbs are in Cashew Chicken?

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