Monday, May 12, 2008

Seagulls in Seattle

Last night we went to Ivar's Seafood Restaurant on the waterfront. I had the Mixed Grill Trio of halibut, salmon, and prawns. They gave me assorted veggies instead of the potatoes. After we ate, the waitress boxed up some rolls for us to feed the seagulls. We went outside on the deck. They eat out of your hands. Also, they fly in circles and you can throw the bread up in the air and they catch it in their beaks as they fly by. It was pretty cool.
This time we did park closer so we didn't have to walk as far. We were both pooped out from dragging that pinball machine.
My son is on some diet he found on a men's website called the Abs Diet, so he plans out his menus around my low-carb thing, and last night he ordered his groceries online. They are suppose to deliver them today. Now if I could just order in more take-out than pizza, I'd like living here. I'd never have to go out. Just curl up with my Kindle and read and watch tv. I think my husband would love it, especially if they delivered seafood from Ivars!
When I reached my fifties, my sister found out she had hemachromatosis, which is an iron overload disease. I got tested and was a carrier. Then my doctor, in running some other tests, found out I am also a carrier for alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency, which attacks the liver and lungs. So my sister got tested and she HAS alpha1. So I'm a carrier for both, and she has both. Now I'm wondering about my kids. I think they can be tested for free, if I can get them to do it. The thing is, none of my family has had lung or liver problems that I know of. They all died of heart disease, on both parent's sides of the family. As Taylor says, that "sucks rocks." (Gotta love that Taylor. Thanks, Cathy for the new expression.)


Anonymous said...

I was going to say, Ivar's is the other place! Clam chowder, they sell it at our Costco and of course there is an Ivar's at the Seattle airport, but I've never eaten there.

Cathy said...

I've eaten at Ivar's. The one that over looks Elliott Bay. We had lunch and then took the ferry across Elliott Bay.

Then we walked down to Pioneer Square and found the Elliott Bay Book Company. Best bookstore I've ever been in.

I'm so glad you are having fun and I'm so jealous. I wanna go to Seattle!