Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sex, Reading, and Resting

My husband went with me to see Sex and the City. I would give it a C. To me, it was obviously written by men. I can't say more without giving away the plot. Let's just say that I believe women have VERY long memories. Don't you agree? And why doesn't Sarah Jessica Parker have that mole taken off her face? It's not like she can't afford it.
I finished two books that were REAL books, not ebooks. I debated with myself about whether to buy them, but they sounded like something I would like. Cold Rock River and Roseflower Creek, both by J. L. Miles. They are now at the top of my favorite books of all time list.
I finished reading Manic, about a woman's life with manic depression. It was good, not great, but good. Worth the read.
My counselor told me last Tuesday that I need to take off two weeks. Take off from what? Life. She said I need two weeks to nurture myself and build up my low ego strength because I'm too low. She said I need a good cry, too. I can't cry and I have too many obligations this week and next to "take off and nurture myself." She seems to think I'm heading for a brick wall. I'm too tired to think about it.
My mother-in-law is coming the end of June. My step-daughter wrote us and we are both convinced she is on drugs.
I have another sinus infection. Great. I think this is my tenth round of antibiotics for sinuses since Christmas. I feel achy all over like the flu, but I know that can't be from sinuses.
Next books on my list to read: Clay's Quilt by Silas House and The Friday Night Knitting Club (for my bookclub) by somebody I forgot her name. I started The River Wife for the book club and it sucked rocks so I quit it in the middle.
I highlighted my hair and got it trimmed. I decided I like my glasses. It took me awhile to reach a final decision.
That's about it. It's been a boring weekend, pretty much.

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