Friday, November 14, 2008

Why I Hate Christmas AGAIN

Ok, I'm upset. So I know I'm going to bitch, so if you're not in a "listening to bitching" mood, then don't read this one.

My husband bought the new Christmas tree and it came yesterday. It's really pretty. We put it together to see how it looked, and the lights are really pretty. So he wants to start decorating. Gets out all the boxes of ornaments. I start with the box of my mother's. Really classy glass and crystal ornaments. Put them on, really pretty.

Then he gets out HIS box. Star Wars, Mickey Mouse, ornaments with his dead first wife's name. And he's putting them on the tree. Inside, I'm thinking, I'm trying to get into Christmas for him. This tree looks like sh*t. I hate it. Our classy tree looks tacky now. I wish it wasn't even in my living room. So he asks me how it looks. And passive aggressive me says, "I think I want a Coke. Do you want me to get you one?"

He says, "You don't like it?"

I said, "No. I like some of them."

So I end up telling him that I don't want a tree that looks like a cartoon exploded on it.

He said, "Our tree is eclectic."

I said, grumbling, "Yeah, it sure is."

So I get on my laptop trying to ignore the way I'm feeling, because try as I might, I don't care at that moment that I'm being a heifer about it. I don't care that I only got the tree because I'm making an effort to like Christmas for him. I'm thinking, Our whole house looks like sh*t. I hate that stupid China cabinet you moved in here. My house was never junky until you moved in. Now it's piled with junk. You don't get rid of anything! I want to throw everything we have away. How do you think I'm going to enjoy Christmas when I just realized yesterday that I don't have six square feet of space in this townhome to lay down an air mattress for guests at Christmas? Why is our stinking attic full of junk? Why is the only big closet we have in this house filled to the top with your stinking models still in boxes, and if you ever do put them together where are you going to put all those stupid things? I'm not having them sitting around everywhere! Who's going to dust all those *$#@ things?

And all the time I'm having this tantrum in my head, and am close to tears, he's up putting the cartoon ornaments back into the box. I'm trying not to notice.

So this morning I woke up, feeling all guilty. I put his freaking ugly ornaments back on our ugly tree. This is why we have been married six years without an argument. They go on in my head. Happy Holidays.


Cathy said...

You are a hoot! I have two trees every Christmas. One that I decorate with the pretty stuff and one that I call eclectic cause it is full of stuff from the boys childhoods, my childhood and other stuff we have picked up over the years.

Maybe two trees would work for you guys. Put up a smaller tree in another room of the house for his cartoon ornaments. Let him add all the silliness he wants to it.

He and the grandbaby will love it!

Then again, that may just feel like more clutter but at least it would be temporary clutter.

Anonymous said...

Haha, I yelled at Cindy a few years ago for writing the same thing! My tree has no order, and none of the ornaments match, nor would they be what you would call pretty. It's a mish-mosh, and I actually think trees with just garland or pretty glass ornaments are boring. Each of my ornaments tells a story, even if it is just "I bought this for David when I went to Wasilla."