Thursday, December 11, 2008

Frankly My Dear......

Yesterday, we went to a luncheon for a lady at my husband's office who is retiring. It was at a local restaurant. They had set up ten or so round tables, and three long tables put together along one wall to be the head table. They informed us since my husband is a team supervisor we had to sit at the head table. Fine.

I went down to the end and sat next to the last seat. My husband took the last seat. Then my husband's boss and his wife came in and she sat next to me. Since we've been married, he's had a couple of bosses, with people transferring and moving through the ranks, so I don't know this lady very well. But of course, I wanted to be friendly.

So we started talking about the holidays, family, etc. It's very noisy in there, so we had to raise our voices above the din, BUT, this lady was yelling in my ear. Not only that, but she thought she was hilarious, and laughed raucously every time she said something. She also had a mouth any sailor would be proud of and threw in LOTS of words my Daddy would wash my mouth out for saying.

I ran out of things to say to her pretty quickly, and had no idea how to respond to her colorful language, but thankfully she didn't seem to notice and was able to carry on the conversation all by herself.

Later, I commented to my husband in the car that she was loud and cussed a lot. He said, "Yeah, she's not a very dainty, ladylike person." Listen, there is dainty and ladylike, and then there is just pure old common MANNERS. I admit (and this may rile some of you) but the Scarlet in me did have the thought of "Damn Yankees." Now that's an expletive my daddy would approve of.

So here's your thought for the day from Rita Rudner: "I don't cook. I don't understand baking. Like you mix flour and water together and you get glue. Then you add eggs and sugar and you get cake. Where does the glue go?"


Cathy said...

You would think this lady's husband would have a talk with her. Is he a potty mouth also?

My language can become colorful at times. I know when to keep it clean though. Sounds as if she is just a social retard.

Forest Lady said...

Cathy, No her husband always behaves very much like a gentleman. Go figure.