Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Reading and Ruminating

Not much new around here.
I got to babysit my grandbaby for awhile Saturday. My daughter and son-in-law drove down to put up a new kitchen light for me, and afterward they went out for a little shopping. My granddaughter was feeling bad with a cold, and she mostly sat in my lap while I rocked her. She slept for awhile and watched Yo Gabba Gabba the rest of the time.
My youngest son has started back to college. He went for a semester right out of high school before he began his career as a DJ. Now he wants to go back and take some computer classes and his basics.
My son in Seattle has not found a job yet. He has to make a decision soon about moving. I'm just praying things work out for him. I know he wants to stay there if possible.
My daughter had a birthday!
My husband and I have been using the E-Mealz meal planning service again. We were doing Kroger's since that is where we usually shop, but decided to get off our fat butts and lose some of this weight we've put back on, so beginning on Thursday of next week (when we buy groceries again) we are switching to a Weight Watchers dinner menu. I'm not going to WW. I know enough about what I SHOULD be eating to plan my own breakfast and lunch, and then I will use the planned dinners.
I got new glasses because we have a new vision plan on our health insurance. They are frameless and very light and drive me nuts. (No, not big like Palin's) I guess I'm used to heavier frames as these feel like they are falling off my face all the time.
I finished reading Revolutionary Road. I would say it's a book that the reader will remember for a long time, but it's also a downer. I think the movie with DeCaprio and Kate Winslet will be good. I can see them playing those characters. I also finished Suze Ormans 2009 Action Plan.
Now I'm reading World Without End, which should keep me busy for awhile!
We found this little cafe way out in the sticks that is only open for dinner three nights a week, and has the best steaks I've ever tasted. We are going there with one of our neighbors and her friend on Thursday night. How about that--! Me! Socializing with the neighbors for more than cards!

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