Friday, January 09, 2009

Mo Mo Mo Money

We decided to pay off our credit cards this year if at all possible. Then we will be totally out of debt. I watched the Oprah show with Suze Orman yesterday, and we sat down last night and listed our expenses, which are wants or needs, etc. We canceled HBO, our spring water service, and the cleaning lady (all wants). We decided our TIVO is a definite need, and so is eating out three days every two weeks (we get paid every two weeks) as long as we don't eat at pricey restaurants.

My husband said he can give up eating lunch out every day if he takes leftovers from dinner.
This came about because my son called to borrow tuition money the other night, and I didn't have it to give him. I felt really badly about it. Like most people, I waste a lot of money, especially since we have a Starbucks now.

Also, I lost weight, got rid of all my fat clothes, gained the weight back, and now have nothing to wear. ha. But you all would be proud of me. I went to the thrift store and bought three blouses still new with tags for five bucks each. I've never been good at saving money, so this is a really good challenge for me.

I told my husband I really do believe that God helps those who help themselves, and after our talk and resolutions on budgeting last night, he called today to tell me his cost of living raise is going to be on next week's check. Not much but a blessing, none the less.

I have to say that writing to the death row inmate has made me a lot more appreciative of what I have. I feel really superficial when I complain about my weight and dieting when he has lost so much weight since his trial because of not having enough food. I complain about having to go out around people when he has no freedom. I complain about having to take medicine when he stays inside in the winter for fear of getting sick and not having the medical help he would need. I think I really need to stop being so ungrateful and complaining so much. My worst day is so far above his best day.

I had to tell the cleaning lady that I can't have her come for awhile, and she was so nice about it. She didn't say it but I got the impression I'm not the only one of her clients cutting back on cleaning help. I would feel worse except I know she has people waiting to get her to clean for them, because she does such a good job. When I was playing cards today, several of the women were talking about their cleaning help, and I asked what they pay for their townhouses, since they are the same size as mine. They pay between 50-60, and I was paying 90. So I guess if we can get someone to clean later on, I'll shop around a bit more.

Anyway, I'm trying to figure out a system to my cleaning, so I don't have everything to do in one day. I figured I can do some on Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and use Thursday as my day for doctor visits and other appointments. Tuesday and Friday mornings are my card days, but since Friday is just until noon, I figured I can get something done that day, too. A lady I know recommended doing my weekly stuff, and then each week concentrating on one room and giving that room some extra cleaning, decluttering, etc. That way every six to eight weeks, the house has a really good cleaning. I have said before I love laundry, but I hate mopping and wiping baseboards. Also my vacuum is sucky around the edges of the carpet, and I hate using the brush thing to clean that. I like dusting and cleaning mirrors. Isn't it funny how some people like some parts of house cleaning that other people hate. Of course, there have been times that I have hated it all.


Cathy said...

I HATE doing laundry. I do it once a week and by then it is an all day project.

If I'm ever rich I'm going to have someone come in and do it for me. Wishful thinking.

I do a little cleaning daily. I use my early mornings to pick up and clear away clutter then Saturday mornings are for heavy duty cleaning.

What has always surprised me is the fact that there is just as much cleaning to do whether there are 10 people or 2 people in the home.

Even with Taylor gone I have the same amount of cleaning it seems. Less laundry, thank goodness but the same amount of cleaning.

Forest Lady said...

Yes, I used to blame the mess on having kids, until they all moved out and I realized it's my mess.

Anonymous said...

I just don't clean, except for when family comes to visit. Oh, I did clean before we moved up to Anchorage - I straightened up and the entire computer room and put everything away. David was pumped and wished we'd moved sooner.

Forest Lady said...

Oh I have to have it clean, not just straightened. My husband and I had this conversation a lot when we first married. He thought cleaning house meant putting things away. I told him that's only half of it. I'm addicted to the smell of lemon pine-sol.