Monday, September 30, 2013

Busy Weekend

My husband helped me this weekend and I managed to declutter and organize the bathroom and master closet. I have the love seat in the living room piled up to the top of the back with stuff, and a friend that is coming to get it all in the morning. She and her husbands help a lot of people from their church.
I heard a line on a TV show that described how I feel about my mom's death. They said you can know something, but still not believe it. I know in my mind she is gone, but there is a big part of me that still doesn't believe it. I think that is probably very normal.
My sis and I became much closer after Mom died, but now we don't talk as often. Right now, I am feeling very, very alone. Like life is going forward for everyone else, but mine is still and quiet.
I am thinking about stopping therapy. I feel like we stopped making progress a while ago, and now it's like she just tries to fill the time. I have seriously considered finding someone else, someone in my city, so I wouldn't have so far to commute. Plus, I think I could use a change. Different person, different strategy. My therapist was the speaker at a group I went to last week, and I realized after her talk that I have heard all this over and over and I was so bored. Maybe that is how I feel in therapy now- bored!
I have been experimenting with essential oils. I have had insomnia for awhile, and have been using this blend with lavender. I am sleeping SO much better. I just put a few drops in a small bowl in front of my fan at night. It works great!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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