Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Blah Blah Blah

My husband is going back to work tomorrow. Not to say I'm thrilled about that, but let's just say I won't mind. I love him dearly and it's not his fault, but I seem to put my life totally on hold when he's home. Now the house is getting cluttered up, and that's driving me crazy. I need to put my world back right, and I will begin that tomorrow by doing a cleaning/straightening around here. Does that sound Stepford-ish? No? Well they just came out with this new Lavendar Pine-Sol that I have to have! Now, does that?
We went tonight to dulcimer class. I have figured out I must be obsessive about the dulcimer, about like I am everything else. I seem to be the only one who really is sold on learning this and practicing it, a lot. Two people dropped out of our class tonight, two others only came a couple of times before they disappeared. Even my husband who seems to enjoy playing doesn't seem to need to do it very often. Well the fact that I am interested in something is a good thing for me.
I signed up for a free course on Barnes and Noble about Zen Miracles, finding peace in a hectic world or something like that. It started out by teaching us how to meditate. I figured out I have been doing this for most of my life but didn't call it meditating. I "zone out" when I need a break from living in the real world. My kids always said I seemed to be "somewhere else" and didn't hear them when they talked. So see? I wasn't weird, I was just doing something really cool like meditating and none of us knew. Anyway, it sure gives a person time to be quiet and think, which is hard to come by in this world most days.
I think I am getting my husband's bad cold because I feel really yucky and my head is all stuffed up. I took some Nyquil so I should konk out here soon.
I found a dulcimer radio station, which I am enjoying.
I spent the last two days filling out my youngest son's income taxes, which are complicated by the fact that he was part year resident in two states last year, so Turbo tax was out for that. I had to do it the old-fashioned way with pencil and paper and realized how spoiled I am.
He and his longggg time girlfriend broke up, and she came by tonight to bring all his things he had at her house. She had been crying and I felt sorry for her but didn't know what to say. I acted innocent like I had no idea why she was bringing it, and she left right away. He said she's been going into his voice mails on his cell and deleting his messages. Of course, he had girls call him, so that didn't sit well either. He's a DJ so gets a lot of phone calls. Anyway, they have broken up a million times so I'm trying not to be too optimistic about this time. I just honestly don't think he'll ever be happy with her. They can't date two days straight without a major fight. So......

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