Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Gardening and Pumping Gas

I've never had a green thumb. I think saying I have a black thumb would be putting it lightly. I think house plants go into deep depression when they see it's me buying them to bring home. However, despite all this, I have the best of intentions and keep trying to keep them alive. My mom brought by some Hosta for me to plant in the front flower bed, which is currently filled with weeds from the winter season. I decided I could dig all that up and plant these plants and then put down mulch. I took the doggie outside and attached his leash so he couldn't run away, and then proceeded to dig with the shovel, my hands, anything I could use. I got half of one bed done, and noticed I had a sore throat. I went inside to get a drink of water, and was wheezing so badly it was difficult to breathe. So a Benedryl later, I'm trying to figure out if it was the exertion or the weeds that made the asthma rear it's ugly head.
I carried all the gardening tools back to the garage, and called a lawn care man to come by and give me an estimate. I try to think of ways to help my husband save money since I'm not working and feel guilty sometimes about that. But I don't see any other way around this.
I am so frustrated by the front flower beds. We live in a townhouse so the yard is cared for, but they don't touch those beds. I've threatened to dig them out, pour concrete, and then put mulch over it. I'm not sure how our architectural committee would handle that, if they even found out.
My husband has allergies worse than mine, so I don't guess he's going to have any big ideas of doing the job, although all good Southern women know the man's domain is suppose to be to take care of the outside of the house, and the woman's the inside...Yes I know that's old fashioned and outdated. I guess I'm old-fashioned and outdated too! But laundry, cleaning and cooking I can handle. Gardening and pumping gas I think should be men's jobs!

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