Monday, March 28, 2005

Spring has Sprung

My mom called me yesterday. She asked how "the husband" is and I told her he is fine. In fact, that today is our anniversary and we've been married two years. She paused and said, "You know what, he's never been to my house, has he?"
I said, "No..."
Then she said, "And you've only been here twice, once to sign the papers on the house and once to pick me up for the trip to Tunica."
"That's right."
Then she said she'd have to have us over for lunch sometime. I said we'd like that. She said well sometime when you'd like to come, call me. I said no, Mother, you pick any Saturday or Sunday that works for YOU, and we'll be there. She said, Well, she'd let us know.
I don't know if she ever will, but it's like suddenly today I don't feel invisible to my mother anymore.
So after that conversation, today was my visit to the counselor. I usually go in there and feel uncomfortable and don't know what to say, but today I had diarrhea of the mouth. I told her all of the things that bothered me. She was a very good listener, gave great feedback, and was very non-judgemental. She said I need to have patience, and instead of saying I don't have this or do this, say I don't YET do this or that. She also said things will change, if I'm patient with myself. We talked about defense mechanisms, how they are learned, and how we don't want to let go of them easily, like with me, withdrawing and putting up walls. She said it sounds like I can't depend on my family of origin for support. I said no, but I have a wonderfully supportive husband and I have a good relationship with my kids and they have a good relationship with each other. She said do you know how rare that is? You must have done something right. That made me feel better.
I have an awful lot to be grateful for. My family is sure a big blessing in my life. Today I feel hopeful that maybe I can learn to live a full, happy life if I stick it out with this counselor. I'm not going to put my hopes on my mother following through though. I think that's too much of a risk at this point. We'll see.
Still reading the Martha Beck book. I identify so much with her struggles on every page. She's a brave woman.
Tonight I'm meeting my husband to go out to eat at our favorite restaurant for our anniversary.
Then I'm coming home and take a bubble bath and go to bed early in my bed with clean sheets. (I just love sleeping on sheets the first day they're put on the bed fresh. I wash them every four or five days just so they can be crisp and nice to get into!)
Well, nothing else going on here. Just trying to be patient and looking forward to spring flowers.

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