Friday, March 04, 2005

Go, ...Don't Go, ...Go, ...Don't Go....

One of the secretaries from the place where I used to work called me yesterday. I haven't worked there in over a year, and it seems the Access database I built, she had managed to mess up somehow and couldn't get it to merge her documents.
When I left that job last year, I felt like I was not being valued for the responsibility I had, or being paid what I was worth. They ran an ad to replace me and hired another lady who they bragged on during my notice about how much she knew about computers.
So when the secretary called me, I asked if the "new secretary" couldn't fix it. She said no because she has never done anything with Access, only Excel.
Well I had very mixed feelings about this situation. On one hand, I felt like at least they realize I had some value and they NEED me to fix it. On the other hand, I owe them nothing, as they sure didn't appreciate me when I was there, why should they yell now?
I didn't quite know what to do. I told her I would try to come by there today. I asked my husband what he thought, and he predictably said to tell them to stick it. ha.
Anyway, I finally decided since I had given my word I'm come by there, I should go, and when we were on the way, she called and said they thought they had finally figured it out, but thanks anyway. So I was off the hook.
Next time, I think I just won't answer the phone if they call, if there is a next time. I still don't know if I should help them or not.
I got my new dulcimer in the mail yesterday, and its great and sounds good. We had a great class last night with new teachers and learned more than we had in the other teacher's class the whole time. So that's good.

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