Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Epiphany or Light Bulb Moment

I was re-reading some of my blog entries, and suddenly it hit me. Do you ever have that kind of moment like, "Why didn't I see this before?" Well, I realized today I have a chronic case of people-pleasing. I've lived my life saying it doesn't matter what other people think. But then I'm afraid to tell my husband that I want a maid to come clean. I'm afraid to tell other people the truth for fear of hurting feelings. I'm afraid to not go to things because of what people will say about me.
I guess realizing there is a major problem is the first step to fixing it. So as of today, readers, (if I have any), I vow to live the last part of my life not worrying about pleasing other people, being my true self, and speaking the truth with love.
I also vow to stop taking other's criticism to heart. Their opinions are, after all, THEIR opinions. They don't have to be mine, unless I feel they are true for me.
I know this won't be an easy thing to overcome. But starting today, I'm sure going to at least try to be more aware of doing it.

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