Thursday, April 07, 2005

Dream a Little Dream for Me

I thank Amy for the inspiration for this entry. She has a fascinating blog and wrote about her dreams. Which reminded me of some of my weird dreams lately.
Last night I dreamed I was at this big party. I had brought along my dog, a cat, and my three children when they were little. It was time to go. It was dark outside and I was trying to round up the dog and cat which kept running all over the place along with the kids, and then trying to juggle all the bowls, platters, and other things I had brought with me. I finally grabbed the dog and cat and asked my son, David, to go put them in the car and come back and grab something else.
He did and with all three kids in tow and my arms full, we proceeded outside, to find this huge parking lot and no idea where we had parked. So we're walking and walking and my feet are killing me, when David reminds me he knows where the car is, since he put the animals in it. I said why didn't you tell me??? So we backtrack a long way to the car, and as we get near it, I see the back door is open and a police cruiser is sitting in front of it with the lights on. I get nearer to find they have removed my pets and sent them to the animal control for being left alone in a vehicle, and they are furious with me. I'm overwhelmed with trying to do everything and scared I'm in trouble and afraid I won't ever get my pets back. The kids are crying and the dream ends. I think this one has to do with my feeling that no matter how much I've tried to juggle things in my life and still meet obligations, I end up disappointing everyone.
The next dream I have a lot is walking on very unstable staircases in an old house and them collapsing with me on them and falling falling falling. I did fall down a staircase as a child and have had a lifelong anxiety about going down steps. However, I think this one means that I'm afraid of the bottom always falling out of my plans.
Well so much for dreams! Hope you have some happy ones!

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