Friday, April 29, 2005

I'm On to Something Here

I am reading this book the therapist gave me about life transitions. There was an exercise that said get out a piece of paper. Across the top write "Good Things I Want to Happen in My Life" and to start writing. DON'T THINK about what you are going to say. Make yourself start writing and keep writing. No pauses. And the author said you'll be surprised what comes through.
Well I did this. And I realized that some of the things I want most in my life are 1) to be creative and pursue artistic avenues (I'd love to have an art set and some canvases) and 2) to pursue photography seriously and 3) to continue to express myself through my writing and not worry about whether or not I sell anything else.
I have to tell you I would have never realized these things without this exercise. Why? Am I that much out of touch with myself? People have asked me what I would like to have as goals for my future, and I'm at a loss. Yet in just streaming out the writing I realized what some of the things I really want are.
I saw my favorite show Starting Over this morning, and one of the girls had to complete an exercise where she painted what "anger" looked like to her. But the exercise began with, "Go into the foyer, and look behind the bar. You'll find a package with blank canvases and art supplies. I want you to take those and find a quiet place and...." I realized I was so envious of her, because she was being given those things and that assignment. Well that just reinforced it.
As for photography, I've always loved nature photos, especially trees. I tried once to buy a camera and I took some photos I was really proud of, but later decided I needed the money and sold my camera on Ebay, without ever really taking myself seriously about it. I once watched a movie called "Where the Heart Is" where the girl gets a camera and begins to take her photography seriously, and takes some award winning photographs, and I realized I was envious of that. So maybe I need to take a photography class! And buy me some art supplies!! And ask my husband for some uninterrupted time to write!! I get excited thinking about doing these things, so I guess that means I'm on to something here!!

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