Sunday, May 01, 2005

Reunions, Shopping, and Bad Bread

After all the effort I put into deciding whether to go to the family reunion, I decided to go. My daughter and son-in-law came to go with me (and my husband). My husband had never met any of my family. I hadn't seen them in so many years, so it was weird. My sister had gastric bypass and had lost a LOT of weight. She actually talked to me, which surprised me. She also said they wanted to invite us over soon for a cookout. That surprised me even more. But if she invites, we'll go. I was never mad at her. She was the one who got mad at me. For a long time I tried to invite her to lunch, etc, or talk to her on the phone but she wasn't interested. So all these years have passed. She has five grandchildren now. I had only seen one of them. It's sad how families can end up.
My dad talked to me a lot. He seemed glad to see me. At first, I didn't think he knew who I was. I'm still not sure he did.
It was a good day. They had lots of food, but I had to take a plate for myself to eat because of the low salt thing. It ended up not being anything that really was appetizing, especially after seeing the spread that they had. So I felt a little deprived. However, when I think how much better my ear feels since the pressure has lessened, I know I'll stick with the low salt diet.
Today my daughter and I went shopping for some clothes to take on our vacation this month. I bought a couple of outfits and two pairs of sandals. When I got home and tried them on, I decided to take back everything but the sandals. Oh well. I tried.
Tonight I tried to make bread in the bread machine, and it rose beautifully, then fell horribly. I looked on the internet and think maybe I need to cut back on the liquid slightly next time.
I've never had a good loaf come out of this new bread maker, even though I made good ones all the time in my old breadmaker. I'm beginning to think it's the machine and not me. But I'll try again tomorrow to see if I can do it.
Here's your thought for the day: Why do we put our suits in a garment bag, and our garments in a suitcase?

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