Saturday, April 16, 2005

New Way of Eating

UPDATE: I wrote a full article about the surgery I underwent to help my Meniere's disease. You can read it here.
I went to the doctor yesterday because I've been having vertigo pretty bad for the last week. I also wanted to get my hearing checked because the other night my husband said my headphones were working, but I wasn't hearing any sound from the right ear. So I went to an ENT, and he ran a lot of tests, and diagnosed it as Meniere's Disease. He said I have severe hearing loss in my right ear already. So we sat down and he was very nice and explained as much as he could to me. I'm not sure how much I heard because "NO CURE" AND "ALMOST DEAF" were the only two phrases I could think about.
It all boils down to, the only way to help this is to be proactive in the management of it. I am on a Low to No Salt Diet the rest of my life. I can't have alcohol or caffeine, and I will be on a medication most of the time for the vertigo. So I'm biting the bullet and trying to think positively about all this.
For one, I will lose weight. Eating mostly fruits and veggies will help with that. I think getting used to what I can and can't have will be the trick, and once I get used to that, I won't have to think about it so much. Right now, I'm just researching and trying to find information about what foods I can eat with no sodium. All I'm finding are the lists for "no pizza, no soups, no canned foods" etc etc. I ordered a no-salt cookbook.
I talked to my husband and son last night. My son is being very helpful about helping me research and finding snacks I could sneak into the movie theatre to eat while they had their popcorn and coke. I told them the worst thing they can do is to feel like they have to "not eat" around me. I figure if this is a lifetime change, I might as well get used to that now. And it would make me feel terrible if people didn't feel comfortable about eating certain foods around me.
Food has always been a very big part of my life! But hearing has, too! So I'll figure this out, and I'll just do it!

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