Sunday, May 15, 2005

Never Seen You Shine So Bright

I have spent the morning writing. I finished one short story and submitted it to two different publishers, and wrote the first sentences of two others. I think this is a lot of fun, and I don't ever want my writing to be a chore to me. If it gets to be that, I'll stop. The money is not that important. It seems the first thing a lot of people say is, "Well you can earn some fast cash doing this. You should...." and they finish by telling me how to make more money. I don't want it to be about that. I want to write something that touches someone, makes them think, or makes them feel, or makes them walk away after reading with a better outlook. THAT is what is important. I like the fact that they pay me to do what I enjoy, but I can't ever let that be the first priority.
There was an author I really liked, Lyverle Spencer. She had a string of really great books and then announced she was not going to write anymore. She said she had earned enough to be able to retire and enjoy her family. I didn't understand it then. I do now.
The camera I ordered for myself is on backorder until July. I'm not happy about that, but figure everything happens when it should. I don't believe most things happen by coincidence.
I did find a wonderful website with an author/photographer and left a question as to the type of camera he used for those photos. He gave me a very insightful answer, that cameras don't take good pictures, people take good pictures. It's all in how you see. He's right to a point. Inspiration is definitely one of the requirements. But I also believe that if you take good pictures with good equipment, they can be even better. I'd like to take a photography course, but have no idea where to look.
This Wednesday we go to Panama City Beach with my daughter and son-in-law. I'm looking forward to getting away to the beach and relaxing. I'll take my journal in case I get some inspiration I can use in my stories. I'll take a good book I can curl up with. And I'll take comfortable clothes. That's what I call packing light. I love sitting on the beach and watching the waves roll in, or collecting sea shells in the sand by the edge of the ocean. And not to mention seafood. I love seafood. Can't eat a lot of it but I'm going to have some.
The flowers are blooming in our neighborhood flower beds. They are such a rainbow of colors and I wish I knew the name of more of them. It makes spring a lot more enjoyable when there are so many flowers within viewing distance from my windows.
I carved out a niche in the corner of our bedroom, put out all my art supplies, set up my easel. I even managed to start a sketch of a landscape. I had never been able to understand my hesitancy to pursue this, but remembered last night family members making fun of my attempts at painting I did of a flower early in my life. I guess I carried that without realizing it. So now I know, and I will toss that aside and move forward.
My counselor noticed that all of my activities are solitary. I like it that way. I love my husband but I need an extra amount of alone time. I wonder if anyone reads my blog.

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