Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Recent Submission

I submitted a short piece as an entry for a writer's calendar. The guidelines said less than 300 words about the writing life. Thought I'd share my entry with my blog readers.
Here tis.....

Taking my writing more seriously, I decided I needed an office. With a limited amount of space in our town home, I cleared out a small corner of our bedroom, begged my husband to put together one of those "easy to assemble" desks that take twelve hours to assemble, and bought an ample supply of pens, rubber bands, and colored paperclips. Perching my laptop proudly on top of my new workspace, I even hooked up a printer to print out the pages of inspiration I was sure would pour forth from my efforts to provide a proper place for my writing. Then I sat down to write......Hours later, I had four words on the page, and was calling my muse all sorts of ugly names, which she ignored.

To my dismay, she never seems to appear in my new office to give me that creative flow of words onto paper. She does, however, choose to visit me at traffic lights, when all I can find to write with is an old bank receipt and a tube of lipstick. She also appears to me in the middle of the night when turning on the light would guarantee a divorce, and I'm forced to try to remember her wonderful ideas for the perfect plot by reciting it to myself a hundred times in place of counting sheep. I guess she isn't impressed nearly as much as I am by my new office......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so right on! I often get inspiration traveling down the freeway at 70 mph and end up writing on a Mcdonalds receipt in crayon.