Friday, July 15, 2005

Quiz from Amy

Found this quiz on Amy's blog. Thought I'd answer them, too.

The Pop Quiz Answer

What were you doing ....
10 years ago... I was dating the first real love of my life. It was the best thing that had ever happened to me, and the worst. When I hear the song by Garth Brooks, "The Dance" I remember this time.

5 years ago... I had just bought this townhome, and still had the superwoman image of myself that I could do anything. It was all about to hit the fan.

1 year ago... I quit my job to stay home and write. Best decision I ever made.

Yesterday...My mother-in-law left, I got caught up on emails, and found out I had another story accepted. Good day.

Today... I have written three chapters to a book about a family in Macon GA during the 50's. Part comedy, part realism, part growing-up. Saturday. I don't get much accomplished on my writing on the weekends.

5 snacks I enjoy... chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate and chocolate.

5 songs I know all the words to... My Girl, Monday Monday, In a Gadda di Vida, Operator, Morning has Broken, Bridge over troubled water, there are hundreds of them. I remember words, always, but never which group sang what.

5 reality television shows I watch... Starting Over, New Gilligans Island, Trading Spouses, Wife Swap, and thats about it.

5 television shows I watch daily... Starting Over, Family Feud, a chick flick movie (usually), Who Wants to be a Millionaire, $100,000 Pyramid.

5 things I would do with $100,000,000... Buy a bigger house (my daughter would be happy), pay off her house (she'd be even happier), give the other kids some money, start a fund for women in life transitions, hire a cook, maid, and chauffeur to take care of things while I write.

5 locations I would love to run away to... Greece. Paris. London. Sequoia National Park. and the Beau Rivage in Biloxi.

5 things I like doing... writing, reading, cooking, traveling, listening to other people tell about their lives.

5 things I would never wear... a padded bra, a mini-skirt (those days are over), a wig (unless I was bald), hot pink spandex jumpsuits, and stiletto heels.

5 recently seen movies I like... Batman Begins, Girl with a Pearl Earring, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, War of the Worlds, and Gone with the Wind.

5 famous people I'd like to meet... Stephen and Tabitha King, Maya Angelou, Mary Magdalene, and Gloria Steinham.

5 biggest joys of the moment... Sold another story (yea!), writing going well, enjoying my new "office", reconnecting with an old friend lately, and my book collection's newest additions.

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