Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Gripe Gripe Bitch Bitch

When I wasn't working, I missed it. Now that I am, I'm marking off the days of each week hoping Friday will hurry up and Monday won't. This has been the week from hell.
My so called "help" that was suppose to come in to "help me" this week has proved her true value by spending all day today on the phone with her friends or on the computer playing card games. Oh, and did I mention that she didn't even show up yesterday?
I used to own my own business. Dealing with this lazy assed girl made me remember why I closed it. Hiring people to work who actually WILL work is nearly impossible. I'm glad I'm not a supervisor. I'd fire half of the staff and start over. ha
My husband came to eat lunch with me today. I couldn't even leave to go do that because she was so dumb I didn't think she could handle things while I was gone. Ok, enough venting.
My little doggie, Rags, misses me being here with him during the day. When I get home, he won't leave me alone to even have dinner. He stays glued to my lap. I feel like a neglecting mom.
My son is trying to make up my absence by playing with him during the day. That helps.
I want to take a vacation and just get on a plane and fly wherever I decide to buy a ticket when I get to the airport. Wouldn't that be wonderful!
I got an email from the editor of the book my story will be in. It comes out in October! Whooopppeeeee!


Freebird said...

I friend of mine used to have her own business and she hated that aspect of it. She always said it was just like babysitting.

Congrats on your story! Does it happen to be on your blog somewhere? Hey! The title of your post could have been the title of my blog!! :-P

Freebird said...

BTW, You have a great blog. I'll be back to read more of it later. :-)