Thursday, August 18, 2005

It's Almost Friday....

It's almost's almost's almost Friday....thank GOD it's almost Friday. Can you tell how my week has gone? My diet went out the window after the second day of doing three peoples' jobs at work, and the stress that goes with that. I felt like cussing out a bear and then eating him. ha.
I had a couple of people write and ask me about the publications my stories will be in. The book my first short story is in comes out October 1st. The link to it is in the margin. You can preorder it from Amazon. It's called HerStory: Things I Learned in my Bathtub.
I also have another story coming out in a book called, Rocking Chair Reader- Small Town Christmas, coming out closer to Christmas (late fall). I also have one story in a book coming out next Spring, called "Letters to my Teacher".
I'm still writing some, submitting now and then. But now instead of me trying to make writing my career, it's back to being something I love to do when I have the time. So it's fun again. I love to write on the weekends curled up in the recliner with the laptop....Thank God it's almost Friday.....It's almost Friday........

1 comment:

Freebird said...

Things are always more enjoyable when you don't feel pressured to do them. Enjoy your weekend.