Thursday, August 04, 2005

Life is Off Pause

My life is officially off pause. I went for an interview today and before I got out into the parking lot to leave, they called me back in and offered me the job. I start today. It's the same company I worked for before except with new management. But that means I still get to work with my friends I knew there before. My title is Patient Care Secretary. I've done most of the duties of this job before, too, but am sure there will be some training.
I've been up since 230 AM because I can't sleep. First day jitters. If you read this today, send good thoughts my way.
I washed and ironed my clothes, packed my lunch, got my day-timer up to date and filled out all my paperwork. I'm ready to go. And it's only 3:58AM. Wouldn't it be nice if the enthusiasm we have for new things lasted? I'm sure next week it will be all I can do to drag my hiney out of bed by 5:30, but for now, I'm running on adrenaline.
Best part of new job? I get to wear scrubs. Not dress pants, dressy blouse, and those damn panty hose. Scrubs will be like working in pajamas. My sweet husband said we'd go this weekend and get me some more socks and tennis shoes so I'll have an extra pair. Isn't he sweet? He's excited for me over my new job.

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