Monday, October 24, 2005

Fences and Neighbors

We live in a townhouse, which means out back we have a courtyard with a brick wall adjoining the lady next door's courtyard. I moved here in April of 2000. I've seen her outside maybe fifty times and said hello and she just keeps going. I keep trying. This is ALA freaking BAMA lady. Here we have southern hospitality and all that good stuff. As far as that goes, we don't know a single neighbor. We're neat and quiet so I know we don't offend anyone. What gives?
My boss told me today I can have Thanksgiving off or Christmas but not both. ha ha ha I said give me Thanksgiving and I'll quit before Christmas. She thinks I'm kidding. She threatened to superglue my butt to the chair (ouch).
My youngest son called. I told him I was thinking of quitting work. He said (listen to this!) "Mom, you worked hard all those years raising us and holding down a job. You deserve to have to not work now." Let's all say ahhhhh......
My daughter is struggling desperately to find a place for our big clan to spend Christmas, so our town house won't be overflowing like last year, because she knows how much that stressed me out. She's spent a long time on this. She's also done a lot to help me through the years, and so has her husband.
I've got great kids. I know I'm a little biased but they are great kids!!!


THE J Mo said...

Congratulations on making the decision to "liberate" yourself from what sounds like a horrific place to be. I was in the same sort of situation over a year ago and made a career change - no regrets.

Good luck getting to know your neighbors. We're not all like that around here though. I get out and talk with most of mine when I get the chance.

Forest Lady said...

Hi JMo was checking out your blog after getting your comment. Have a very important question! Where's Tony's Italian Deli? Sounds like you live in our area of Alabama but I've never heard of that place.