Thursday, December 15, 2005

Biggest Fan

Ok, so I've got a thing for Sean Penn. Never made a secret of it on this blog. I see all his movies. He's my favorite even above DeNiro, and DeNiro is hard to beat in my book. My husband doesn't care for Sean Penn, because of his political views. My crush is not on Sean Penn's political views, but on him as an actor. I couldn't care less about his personal life.
I guess I first took notice of him in "I Am Sam" with Dakota Fanning. I thought, God, that guy is an amazing actor. He even beat out Dustin Hoffman in Rainman in his portrayal of a mentally challenged person. Then my next favorite movie of his was Mystic River. I don't think you could put any person in the scene with the police at his daughter's crime scene and get acting like Sean Penn gave. He was awesome.
So I think he's an incredible actor. But the truth is, I also think he's hot. Not a lot of people agree with me, among my friends. I guess they just don't see it like I do. But you can't deny that in this picture, he's hot. I wouldn't throw him out of bed for eating crackers. Uh huh. No way.


The Tuckered One said...

He'll always be Spicoli to me...

Forest Lady said...

That just goes to show you, he's hot and he can play the role of such an uh-hot guy. Is that talent or what? :-)

emily said...

I just watched The Interpreter and consequently have a little crush on him now.