Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Old Age and Girlfriends

Yesterday I got into the car with three other women to go to a club meeting. It was an hour ride there, and an hour ride home. I learned some things.
I don't know what to talk to other people about in person. Yes, I know I talk my head off on here, but it's different. On here, I don't see anyone's reactions until much later, plus I'm somewhat anonymous. They women gabbed away and although I said a couple of things, and actually got a laugh once, I pretty much spent most of my day wondering what they thought of me and why couldn't I think of anything to say???
I have a hard time judging anyone's age, but I would have classified all these women as "old women". When we arrived for the meeting, we had an announcement given that if we wanted to have lunch, we could stop by the senior center and get lunch for a dollar. One of the ladies in our group looked at all of us and said, Well we can do that next time if you want because we all qualify as senior citizens. So I looked at all of them and decided that's what I must look like, an old lady, and the scary part is I didnt even know it. So that got me thinking. Today I went out to visit a friend of mine who is three years younger, and she looks like an old woman now to me too, after I looked at her closely. That's a terrible realization folks. It's one thing to say you don't mind getting older and how you are going to age gracefully. It's another thing to have someone look at you and throw you in the same category as all the other "old ladies".
So I tried to think of all the reasons I'd like being older. One was the "senior discount". Then I started reading about senior discounts. My bank offers a free checking account for seniors, 50 and up. AARP will let you join if you are at least 50. But the majority say 60 and over, or even 65 and older. So here I am, stuck between "old" and "old and being rewarded for it" and having "hot flashes" and "periods" BOTH. Seems like that should be a one or the other proposition.
So I turned to my favorite menopausally inspired woman, the late Erma Bombeck, and found these quotes about girlfriends to cheer me up.
"A friend doesn't go on a diet because you are fat. "
"A friend never defends a husband who gets his wife an electric skillet for her birthday."
" A friend will tell you she saw your old boyfriend-and he's a priest. -Erma Bombeck
Gotta love that Erma


emily said...

I dread car rides for that reason. I always feel like I don't know what to say. It's good to know it's not just me.

Freebird said...

I think we all tend to see ourselves younger in our mind's eye, I know I do. For me it's seeing pictures on-line (nobody in our little group) or meeting someone for the first time, etc., and thinking this person looks really old only to find out that she's the same age or younger (!) than I am. It makes me think, "OMG! I wonder if I look that old and frumpy!"

Forest Lady said...

I looked very closely at what I considered to be "old faces" and what makes them look old...then I looked very closely at my face and I have those same wrinkles, sags, etc. You can feel young, you can act young, but that doesn't mean other people won't look and say, Geez, she's an old lady! But if I looked like Cathy, I wouldn't care!
You mean you're NOT 30?

Freebird said...

ME 30? Thanks, but I wish. I'm going to be 38 next month. 38! Gah!

The Tuckered One said...

You are not old and you do not have wrinkles or sags!

You are the same age as Kim Cattrall, Linda Hamilton, Mel Gibson, Sela Ward, Bo Derek, and Carrie Fisher -- and they are hardly senior citizens.

Forest Lady said...

I love you Plumbtuckered!