Friday, February 17, 2006

Man, That's Freaky!

My middle son is a big horror movie buff. He can watch all the gore and not flinch. I, on the other hand, scream, squirm, and cover my eyes. This is why he and my husband have made it their life mission to drag me to every gross movie that comes out, so they can watch me watch the movie. And I go, because they get such a kick out of my reactions.
So...we talked the other day about what is really scary to you. I don't mean stuff like growing older, disease, etc. I mean those things that send a chill up your spine and freak you totally out!
Here's mine:
1) My ex, Satan, was traveling for business early in our marriage. He was driving home late at night and extremely tired. He said he was watching the road and suddenly thought he saw something move beside him. He looked over to the passenger seat and there sat a man, who at the same time he turned his head, the guy turned facing him, and it was his own face. In other words, he was sitting there beside himself. He said he screamed and caught himself right before he ran off the road. He said he guessed he had drifted off to sleep. That story still crosses my mind now and then and freaks me out.
2) When my daughter was a toddler, I was sleeping alone one night when my ex, Satan, was working the night shift. My daughter had a habit of waking up and coming into my room at night because she was scared or wanted water or whatever. This night I woke up and saw her outline standing by the bed. I asked what she wanted. She didn't reply. I said Honey what is it? She didn't reply. So I raised up and looked at her and she was gone. I looked all around and down the hallway, and she wasn't there. I immediately ran to her room and she was in her bed, asleep, all tucked in with her dolls. I freaked. I sat up all night with the lights on.
3) Taking a shower when I'm home alone gives me the creeps. I usually always wait until someone is home, or else I take the fastest showers on record. And no, I didn't really think the shower scene in Psycho was freaky, so I have no idea where this comes from.
4) If you ever saw the movie "The Grudge" or the previews for it, there is a scene where this man comes home to find his wife in bed, her face staring at the ceiling frozen in a look of total terror. As he approaches the bed, this little oriental boy with a very pasty bluish face, raises up behind the bed and lets out this howl like a cat. Ok, that absolutely freaks me out. Maybe that goes back to number two above.
Those are my top four. What are yours?


The Tuckered One said...

Aliens :-) I think I was traumatized after my aunt took me to see "E.T." when I was four-years old. Now any movie/show with aliens creeps me out -- "Close Encounters", "War of the Worlds", "Fire in the Sky". A few years ago I watched the "Taken" miniseries with Dakota Fanning and couldn't sleep for a week. If I ever stop blogging you'll know they came and abducted me ;-)

Freebird said...

Aliens creep me out too, but at night when I'm alone and scared its always ghosts, spirits, etc that come to mind. I expect my bed to start shaking furiously, or my pictures to get knocked off the wall or something crazy like that. I have a king size bed, but I only sleep on the end that's closest to the door (right on the edge) and I'm facing the door. I HAVE to be facing the door. I have this fear that I'm going to wake up and find someone standing over me. Sometimes when I wake up my shoulder hurts from laying on it all night, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that I was facing the door all night.

Forest Lady said...

Nora, when I am sleeping alone, like when hubby is out of town, I close and lock the bedroom door. I figure by the time someone breaks in through the door, I'll at least have called the police and ran out the window! I think we should all have a panic room, like Jodie Foster, and sleep in it at night!