Saturday, February 18, 2006


My son used to tell everyone my favorite thing to say was "Clean your room." My husband thinks my favorite two things to say now are "Where are my glasses?" and "What day is this?"
He has threatened to nail my glasses to my head, but since I haven't given him access to any nail guns, he usually just gives in and helps me look for them on an hourly basis. But when I ask what day it is, I don't mean is it the 3rd or 4th. I mean is it Monday or Tuesday.
Since I stopped working, one day is pretty much like the next, except some days he's at work, and some days he's home. He's a government employee which means he gets off for every imaginable holiday. This confuses things. Add to that the fact that every other week he gets a Friday off. So he was off work yesterday, and in my mind, all day, I thought it was Saturday. I couldn't understand why my Saturday tv shows weren't on. This morning I woke up to try to watch my Sunday morning shows, only to find cartoons on all the channels. Cartoons? On Sunday? So, I gave in and asked, "What day is this?" And was finally told it is indeed Saturday. To make matters even more complicated, he's going to be off Monday for President's Day, which means my Monday will be on Tuesday.
I went to WalMart the other night to get a new battery for my watch, and the woman broke it while putting in the new battery. She gave me another just like it, except it has the date also, which mine didn't. My husband said I don't need the date, I need the day. ha.
In a way, it's great not to have to keep up with what day it is. Instead of thinking I have to do laundry on Monday, I can do it whenever the hamper runs over into the floor. Works for me.
I wonder, though, what will happen when he retires and both of us have to call our children long distance to find out what day it is!

1 comment:

Forest Lady said...

Now I know why you never mention Ol Drop Dead Fred anymore. You have a secret rendevous every Friday. Uh huh! Now we KNOW.