Wednesday, February 15, 2006

So You Could Have Fifty Thousand Dollars...

We watch Fear Factor even though it grosses us out. (I guess that is the idea) On a recent episode, in case you missed it, in order to go for the $50,000, you had to let them shave your head into weird almost totally bald haircuts. Girls actually refused to do it. I'd have been in that chair so fast they wouldn't know what hit 'em.
So we got into that discussion, what would you do for $50,000. So here's my answers, what are yours?

Shave your head- YES
Throw a pie at your mama- YES
Sleep with Robert Redford on his yacht-- YES AND I'D DO THAT FOR FREE.
Appear naked at the superbowl. NO WAY
Eat pig intestines YES
Eat a blended fly milkshake NO
Let someone stick needles into you (they did that on Fear Factor) YES
Jump out of an airplane YES
Go bungee jumping NO
Walk a narrow beam high in the air -YES IF I HAD THAT SAFETY HARNESS

Ok readers, what would you do and not do for 50K?


Freebird said...

Shave your head- YES, it's only hair.

Throw a pie at your mama- YES

Sleep with Robert Redford on his yacht-- He looking pretty old these days, but for $50K sure. What the heck.

Appear naked at the superbowl. NO WAY!!

Eat pig intestines - Not sure about this one.

Eat a blended fly milkshake -Probably not either.

Let someone stick needles into you (they did that on Fear Factor) - YES

Jump out of an airplane - YES

Go bungee jumping - I'd be scared and crap myself, but probably yes with double safety harness.

Walk a narrow beam high in the air - Yes, with safety harness.

Forest Lady said...

Amy, I guess my thinking is that it's safer to jump from a plane, because that has been done a lot, then to bungee jump upside down with only a big rubber band, and a good probability of whiplash. ha.

The Tuckered One said...

Shave your head - NO

Throw a pie at your mama - YES (I'm sorry, mama)

Sleep with Robert Redford on his yacht - NO

Appear naked at the superbowl - NO

Eat pig intestines - NO

Eat a blended fly milkshake - NO

Let someone stick needles into you - YES

Jump out of an airplane - YES

Go bungee jumping - YES

Walk a narrow beam high in the air - YES

emily said...

Shave your head- YES
Throw a pie at your mama- YES
Sleep with Robert Redford on his yacht-- NO
Appear naked at the superbowl. NO WAY
Eat pig intestines NO
Eat a blended fly milkshake MAYBE
Let someone stick needles into you PROBABLY
Jump out of an airplane YES
Go bungee jumping YES
Walk a narrow beam high in the air -YES

Freebird said...

This from Tuckered One made me LOL.

"Throw a pie at your mama - YES (I'm sorry, mama)"

Too, too funny.