Saturday, March 25, 2006

I Saw You Crying in the.......

Now and then you read a story that is just worth repeating. This is one of those:

A young composer came to Mozart and asked, "How do I write symphonies?"
Mozart replied, "Well, you are young yet. Perhaps you should begin by writing minuets."
The young man was disturbed, "But you were writing symphonies when you were only nine years old!"
Mozart said, "Yes, but I didn't ask anyone how to do it."

And now for some humor....
On the outside of a birthday card:" Happy Birthday. Inside is your very important message from God"
Inside: "See you soon!"

We aren't doing anything much this weekend. We found this new Italian restaurant near our house and we're going back there tonight for dinner. Then we plan to go see "Inside Man."
I have this thing for movies. When I was growing up, as I've said before many times, emotion was not shown in our home without ridicule. Everytime I got up enough money, I would go alone to the movie theatre (there were three very near our house). Inside, I'd pick an emotional movie, go in, sit in the dark, and laugh and cry to my heart's content. I think movies saved me.

1 comment:

Gillian said...

You've gotta let me know how you like the movie--ha! I called it Inside Job :)
Thanks for the humor....
Have a great weekend, we are staying in and watching Terminal with Tom Hanks. I'm behind on the times, arent I?