Friday, March 31, 2006

Nothing New

Tuesday was our third wedding anniversary. My husband took off work and we went to our favorite Japanese restaurant for dinner. It was very nice. He also got me a gift card from Books A Million and a card.
We hope this weekend to go to Birmingham to PF changs. I love that restaurant but we don't have one near here, so we have to drive awhile but it's worth it.
We have been watching American Idol this season. I think Mandissa is the best singer, and I'm tired of people saying she's not "marketable" because she's fat. I think they only say that because she's a female, because they didn't say that about Ruben, now did they? Whether she's 100 pounds or 1000 pounds, she's still the most talented.
I haven't written the letters yet that the counselor asked me to write. Because I don't see her again until next week, I have some time to think about what I want to say. I'll post the letters to this blog when I get them written. It's been good this week for me to think about what I want to say, instead of just writing without thought. I've had time to deal with some of the anger, so I think I can do it from a better place. I also haven't written my goals yet. I'm sort of at a loss on that one. I feel like right now my goals are to just get up each day and do whatever I feel like doing, whether that's art, music, reading, or absolutely nothing but mindless television watching. Of course, every day includes having to clean up the house and cook dinner, so it's not all "doing nothing" time.
I've been reading about herb gardens, and am thinking of doing something like that out back in our courtyard, although I like the idea of an indoor herb garden better. We just don't get any light in here.
I bought a couple of bookcases for our bedroom. My book collection is overflowing every nook and cranny in this house, and I can't find any of them when I want to.
Nothing else new around here.
My stepdaughter and her husband seem to be having some problems managing to make it month to month on his trust fund. My husband went down to take them some money. He said he was going to talk to them about his concerns about their future (what will they do when the money is gone and they have no job experience etc.) He came back and hadn't said anything to them. I don't blame him. I told him I think we should help the kids, mine included, when they are doing everything they can to help themselves. We don't understand them not wanting to have the reward of enjoying the fruits of their own labors and stand on their own, apart from trusts etc. But hey, it's not my thing.

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