Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Choose Your Poison, Ladies

I had a man in my life at one time who really didn't like my choice of shoes (flats) and insisted I buy some heels. In fact, he bought me several pairs in different colors, all Easy Spirit, all too expensive I thought. Then he took me to a big fancy dinner, and I wore a pair of these heels. After two hours of standing in those things, I was miserable. You don't want to see me miserable. On the way out to the car, my misery got the best of me. I said, "I'm not wearing these again. They are killing my feet." Then I tossed them into the nearest trash can to prove my point. He fumed all the way home. And all the way home, I made a resolution to myself. If it hurts my feet, it's not going on them. No matter how cutesy they may look, or who thinks I need to wear them. No how. No way. I'll go for comfort every time.


Cathy said...

I'm a Birkenstock kind of girl myself but I do enjoy dressing up at times and wearing heels. Not the sort pictured though. Those are painful to just look at!

emily said...

I tend to wear flip flops, sneakers etc...flat flat flat. My sister is a fashionista and swears that "Fashion Hurts" and that's just how it is.

In fact, I wore heels to Easter church and my almost 5 year old was stunned. I don't think she even knew I had any. Now she thinks I'm a princess.

Freebird said...

They do look painful, but oh so sexy too! That's why men like them. I have heels, but rarely wear them for same reason.

Forest Lady said...

See there! I've been in style all along! Thanks, Amy!