Sunday, April 30, 2006


I always thought weeks should start on Monday instead of Sunday. To me, Sunday finishes up the week. Monday begins it. But I can't argue with the calendar, so today begins a new week.

This week I am going to deal with stuff I've put off dealing with. I'm going to ride my bike every day. I'm going to turn off the tv and the computer and see how much more I get accomplished of things that are really important to me. I'm going to get out of this house and take some pictures with that new camera I bought and paid a fortune for and never learned to use. I'm going to cut way back on the diet cokes because I think they make me fatter. (I have my theories about that.) I'm going to try to eat healthier.

I'm going to thank my lucky stars every day I have the people in my life who are supportive.

There is Sweet Amy who I can tell is such a fantastic person but doesn't realize it but makes me want to move to Alaska and be her adopted mom,

"Bev" my new friend and fellow introvert who always says just what I need to hear and inspires me with her beautiful garden,

Cathy my confidante and role model of what an independent outspoken women should be and who puts up with my bellyaching and loves me anyway,

Freebird whose posts blow me away sometimes by their honesty and insight, and who is so smart and beautiful and deserves so much more than she thinks she does,

and my new lady cycling message board friend who keeps telling me I can do this,

my husband for loving me no matter what,

my kids for being so incredible and continue to amaze me by their talents and spunk and humor and make me realize every day how much I ADORE them,

and those people I don't really know very well who step up and post encouraging words on my blog.

Our family isn't those people we were born into. Our family is those people who love us and we love. So when are we going to have us a big ol' family reunion!


Freebird said...

That's sweet. Thanks. I love my blog buddies too. We must be thinking similarly these days because I was just telling someone that I wanted to do more fun things this summer, wanted to get out of my apartment more often, do things that make me happy, exercise more, eat healthier, etc. Here's to our more active lives!

Cathy said...

Well, my week ends on Sunday. I don't give a darn what the calendar says! I'm very happy to be ending my week by reading such a nice post.

I love it when poeple count their blessings. Especially if I'm someone they consider a blessing.

I've also decided to take control and start eating and living a healthier lifestyle. I went to the grocery store today and stocked up on the grains, fibers and complex carbs. I started my workout again on Saturday AND I joined e-Harmony. Figure if I'm gong to feel better and have more energy I might need a man around to share it with.

Besides, I think some man problems might take my mind off all those other problems!