Thursday, May 04, 2006

What I Think About Today

1.) I think people judge other people too much. I hate it when I do it. I hate it when others do it. I've found by experience that I am usually wrong about my judgements of others. I think we should give each other a break. I watched a recent episode of Starting Over when a girl was going on and on about why her father couldn't get it together in his life in order to be a good father for her. Her life coach asked, "You mean, like you can't get your life together?" (This girl was 30K in credit card debt and had no sense of responsibility.) The look on that girl's face was priceless- sort of like the deer in the headlights.

2.) Spending at least part of your life making do with very little money, is the best thing that could happen to anyone. It is only by doing without something that you appreciate it when you do have it. That goes for health, housing, food, friends, a job, etc. etc.

3.) George Bush is an idiot. A sneaky underhanded idiot. Yes, I'm being judgemental. But in this case, I'm right.

4.) Living without air conditioning, even for a short period, is hell.

5.) No one should have to cook AND clean up the dishes. One or the other.

6.) I pack too much for trips. I use about 20% of what I pack.

7.) Taking off the good tv shows in the summer should be illegal, too. Did Bonanza stop filming in the summer? I think not.

8.) The only problem I have right now is not having enough time to do the things I want to do, and wasting too much of the time I do have.

9.) There is beauty in imperfections. Imperfections are not imperfections. They make us unique.

10.) As you near menopause, you begin to notice hot guys again like you did when you were nearing twenty, nearing thirty, nearing forty...etc. Being female is a lot of fun.

11.) Women have more power than men. Men just think they have more. Smart women use their power. Dumb women misuse it.

12.) TV is as sexist now as it was during I Love Lucy days, even more so.

13.) A meet-up group for introverts could be very interesting, but no one would show up.

14.) My best writing is when it writes itself.

15.) We teach other people how to treat us.

16.) When I read something that is wise, I should write it down, because in ten minutes, I can't remember it.

17.) I think it would be amazing to get rid of all of our material possessions and buy an RV and take off around the country. My husband, being a packrat, is totally resistant. I could dump this "stuff" and never look back. And I know it would only be FREEING for me.

18.) I wish I could take voice lessons.

19.) Just because you want something badly doesn't mean you'll get it.

20.) I'd love to sell/donate/give away everything I have that isn't a basic necessity of life. I could really enjoy a minimalist lifestyle. My husband, on the other hand, would die.

21.) I hate it when other people write me and tell me what I said/spelled incorrectly. I also hate it when I do it.

22.) 9/11 did not happen the way it was written. The government is hiding a lot of the facts.

23.) When I write posts like this, I wonder how many people are bored stiff reading it.

24.) Nothing makes you feel sexier than fresh polish on your toes. Especially red. A 95 year old women, if you painted her toenails red, would feel sexy.

25.) Why do we love to play in the sprinkler when we are little, and hate to get one raindrop on us when we get older.

26.) Coloring books, paperdolls, Barbies, and jacks should not just be for kids.

27.) The best way to learn about people and what makes others tick is to read regularly. The best way to learn about yourself is to send in one.

1 comment:

Freebird said...

Love the list. I've been wearing red nail polish for as long as I can remember, probably since I was 14? Last month I changed the red nail polish on my fingertips to solar french tip nails. They're more "in" right now, BUT the toenails. They stayed red.