Thursday, June 22, 2006

My Dog is Smarter Than Our President

I saw a t-shirt with this on it today, "My Dog is Smarter Than Our President." Now I don't know the dog personally, but I would bet you it's a certainty. Take for example last weeks press conference. President Bush calls on a nice young man in an expensive suit and a great pair of sunglasses. The man stands to ask his question, to which Bush exclaims, "You mean you're going to ask your question in those shades?"
The young man smiled and said, "Yes sir. The sun is bright out here."
Bush replies, "Well, humpf. It's not bright for those people watching this on television." I guess that was suppose to mean that we, the American people and his viewing audience, would somehow take horrible offense to a guy in sunglasses. It's not like we've never seen that.
But that's not what made President Bush dumber than a post in my book. It's the fact that the young reporter in the sunshades is actually legally blind...
What makes this all worse for me, is that I actually voted for Bush. I guess we all are allowed to make mistakes, as long as we learn from them. I've definitely learned. I filed away this tidbit of information about lesson learned: Vote for someone who has some evidence of having a brain. (And I mean the one behind his eyes, not the other one, President Clinton.)
But what do any of us really know about voting. I mean, isn't it just voting for the lesser of two evils most of the time? I remember this peanut farmer from Georgia I voted for once. Wondered what ever happened to him. At least when it's said, "He has peanuts for brains" that guy would have a good excuse.


Cathy said...

That peanut farmer from Georgia is busy building homes for homeless people. Spending his time doing for others and probably will as long as he has a breath left in his body. You won't find his butt on some ranch somewhere in Georgia taking it easy and playing with his chain saw. He lives the Christian values that George Bush likes to prattle on about.

I voted for the peanut farmer and am glad I did. I didn't vote for Bush. I saw that idiot coming a long way off. He is nothing like his father. That acorn fell way to far away from the tree in my opinion.

Forest Lady said...

Yes, I read that Jimmy and Rosalind both build for Habitat for Humanity. He's a good Southern gentleman. I agree with you that the elder bush was cut from a whole different cloth than this one. I wish I'd seen him coming. I was just so sick of Clinton, that I really messed up.