Thursday, October 26, 2006

What's a Girl to Do?

What is it about packing for a trip that makes me feel like I'm about to go through the Great Depression with no resources. I swear every time I go on a trip that I will pack LIGHT and not take everything I own. I start out ok. Few blouses, check. Pants, check. Socks, undies, check. From there, things get out of hand. Makeup, check, hair stuff, check. Before you know it, I have packed most of my medicine cabinet. Just in case, you know. What if I need something to read. I'll take a book. What if I finish that one? Better take two. And on and on.
Next thing you know, I'm sitting on the suitcase begging my husband to try to force the zipper closed. And wondering how I'm ever going to get it all back in there to come home.
Last cruise, we took four suitcases and two totebags for two people. This time, my friend and I were determined to take one large suitcase each. Well, she brought her's by today, and it weighs about two hundred pounds and bulges from every seam. I felt better.
So tonight I'm going to unpack what I've packed and try to pare it down some. But that little voice in my head that screams at me, "But you might need that!" will just have to shut up. Think light. Think light. Geez. What's a girl to do?

1 comment:

Cathy said...

You didn't mention shoes. For goodness sake, you have to have at least three pair of shoes!

What do you want to bet you unpack in an attempt to get a little more organized and end up with more than you had before? That is the way I would do it.