Friday, November 03, 2006

Is It Siesta Time?

Well, I'm home. I can safely say I plan to stay put at home this time and not run off for another cruise any time soon. One reason is my eye surgery which is scheduled for the 10th. The other is the fact that as much as I enjoyed it, trying to pack everything you want to do into five days is exhausting. So I'm happy to be home in my recliner.

I blew my diet big time this time around. However, I am so TIRED of eating and feeling stuffed that I can't WAIT to get back on track again. I think that the eating is part of the reason I feel so yucky, too.

We had a good time. The second day of our cruise, my friend's daughter sent her an email saying one of the people who was suppose to help her with babysitting didn't follow through, and she had no sitter, her husband was mad, she didn't know what to do, was very upset, etc. etc. So my friend cried all morning thinking everything was a mess at home and not being able to do anything about it. I wrote the daughter back, and said your mom is very upset but there is nothing she can do. She left you a list of people who volunteered to help, so call one of them! Then we got an email back and she apologized for making her mother cry and promised to handle it and not ruin her mother's cruise. She said she had to be the most selfish person in the world and was soooo sorry. After that, my friend started to enjoy herself again.

Our cruise was four hours late arriving at the pier, and thus four hours late leaving. We were suppose to visit Costa Maya as our first stop, but ended up going to Calica because of the time lost. My friend did a lot of shopping. She also was totally shocked at the topless beaches. Her reaction was hilarious. She is a bit of a prude in some ways, even complaining about the showgirls in the shows wearing thongs under their costumes. I told her the men running around in tight jeans without shirts made up for that, but she didn't see it that way. ha.

I played slots one night and spent 12 and won $400. I promptly quit and did some shopping. I have my daughter's birthday present, some Mexican pottery for my kitchen, and a new watch. I also bought some Mexican baby dresses, so if the new grandchild is a boy, he's sure going to look strange in the embroidered dresses. ha.

The most interesting part of the cruise for me was the dinner dining. They seated us at a table with a group of four sisters, and another pair of two sisters. My friend, Dawn, is very outgoing. She quickly was involved in a conversation that lasted the whole five days, with breaks in between dinner and running into them at various places on the ship. I was the quiet one, of course, but just to hear how women talk to each other, and the personal things they tell about themselves was surprising to me. I guess I'm just not that OPEN about sharing information with total strangers, except on this blog. Sometimes not having any privacy because we were always meeting up with the group of other people was exhausting to me.

I talked to my husband about it last night, and he totally understood. One of the four sisters seemed to be a little overwhelmed with all the chatter, too, and was quiet like me. I tend to naturally enjoy blending into the background.

My step-son-in-law believes that there are no true introverts or extroverts but they can change if they want to. I think if he was on this cruise and could have observed all the people, he would change his mind. It's easy to find the true extoverts and introverts, and all the shades in between. And people seem to like being the way they are. Me included.

Today I have to do laundry and clean the house and try to wean myself away from having others do everything for me, to doing it myself. Here's the surprising part. I'm actually looking forward to getting back into my routine and actually working around here. Go figure.

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