Monday, November 06, 2006

Beep Beep, Naptime Over! Wake up Now!

I wrote this last Monday and forgot to post. Eye surgery went well but I'm not up to writing much right now. So here's this post and I'll write more when I get the bandages off.

It was a long, recuperating weekend. I took a nap on Sunday and caught up on some of the sleep I missed on the cruise. My friend wanted to see the sunrise, and is an early riser to boot. So every morning about 530, she would stand up and announce, "Man, I missed the sunrise again!" Once I'm awake, I'm awake, so we got up early every day. The last day she finally beat the sunrise (yippee) and said it was not nearly as spectacular as she believed it would be, since we were already at Mobile's port. The best shows are the late night ones, so we missed a lot of sleep.
My daughter came Saturday for a mother-daughter day out. We invited my step-daughter along, but she turned us down. We did some shopping and had lunch. We looked at lots of baby things and talked.
I read about a place in New York where you can pay money to take a nap. It's called Metronap. I've always needed a little nap time in the afternoon, and I have spent many days researching a good place to take one. My son's favorite is to buy a matinee ticket, and sleep between college classes in the back of the theatre. I have parked my car at the end of the parking lot, set the alarm on my cellphone and laid the seat back to recline. I've also locked my office door after lunch when I had my own business, and took a nap on the floor, knowing my first appointment was at 3 PM. I've always thought a place to take a nap would be a big hit in the business world. After all, they don't call them power naps for nothing. But this Metronaps only last about twenty minutes. It takes me that long to get to sleep. I think I'd be very grumpy when they told me my time was up just when I was getting into some deep sleep. I wonder how much a two hour pass would cost? Now that would be about right. Geez, putting time limits on naps is as bad as alarm clocks in the morning. Goes against nature. Got to be a sin in there somewhere.
My friend, Dawn, is coming over next week and we are going to organize my kitchen. Then when I begin to make Thanksgiving dinner, I won't have to dig to the back of the cabinets for anything. I'm still planning our menu. It begins with a Cajun Fried Turkey and Spiral Sliced Ham from Honeybaked. I order the meat and I make the rest. Anyone have a favorite recipe they'd like to share? Our typical menu is Sweet Potato Casserole with brown sugar and walnut topping, green beans, buttered niblet corn, cornbread dressing, turkey gravy, hashbrown casserole, broccoli salad, deviled eggs, and a couple of desserts, including pumpkin pie. I'd love to change it up this time. Anyone have something good to share?

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